Texans for Israel טקסנים למען ישראל

TFI at The University of Texas at Austin serves as a forum for those who share a common interest in a secure Israel and for those who believe in a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. Recognized as the best political/activist organization at one of America’s largest universities, TFI has become a means to exchange ideas, experiences, and information about Israel, Middle Eastern politics and culture, and Zionist thought.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Austin CAMERA fellows program

CAMERA has at least 5 spaces reserved for students from the Austin area:

Sign up now for an exciting program on Israel and the media and be eligible for a free trip to Israel!

Learn from media experts how to communicate through the media to educate Americans about Israel. Twenty-five students who participate in the program will be selected for a free trip to Israel (no matter how many times you've been there before) this June (4-13) with CAMERA to tour the country and to meet with international journalists and Israeli experts. Students will be selected on the basis of the extent of their participation in the program and what they've done as a result-- i.e. writing letters, Op-Eds, broadcasting commentary in either the student or the general media. The program, which includes lunch on Sunday, is free and will take place on Sunday, March 26 at 1:00 (brunch starts at 12:00) at UT Austin. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE TRIP TO ISRAEL, YOU MUST SIGN UP IN ADVANCE.

To sign up, please call Deborah at (888) 736-3672 or email campus@camera.org with the following information: Full name, Email address, Telephone number, Name of School, Year of Graduation, Major or area of concentration


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