Texans for Israel טקסנים למען ישראל

TFI at The University of Texas at Austin serves as a forum for those who share a common interest in a secure Israel and for those who believe in a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. Recognized as the best political/activist organization at one of America’s largest universities, TFI has become a means to exchange ideas, experiences, and information about Israel, Middle Eastern politics and culture, and Zionist thought.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The war against Israel continues

Events in the Middle East are not so easy to predict, no matter how closely we follow the news.

After Israel's withdrawal from Gaza last summer, we hoped for the best, yet knew that peace was not at hand. And when Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, we knew that the northern border would not be quiet for long.

Over 500 rockets have been fired from Gaza since September. On June 25, while stationed inside sovereign Israel, Gilad Shalit was kidnapped and others were killed on June 25. Israel then re-entered Gaza.

On July 12 on the Lebanese border, two soldiers were kidnapped and 7 others were killed. You've seen the rest on TV - the daily barrage of Hezbollah's rockets across northern Israel, and the Israeli military campaign in Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah.

This has been a busy summer in Israel, and it will be a busy school year for Texans for Israel. We must work harder now more than ever to educate our friends, classmates, and community leaders about Israel's constant struggle for security and peace.

In the meantime, educate yourself - read some books, stay tuned to the news, and read newspapers from the region. The Israeli newspapers in English are linked on the right.

TFI will be ready when the school year begins.

Stay tuned.


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